Sunday, June 12, 2011

Behind the Scenes

Sometimes in creating a painting for a client, the photographs we receive do not provide us with enough to paint from. So when such cases arise, Norm goes out to reshoot the site or person that he is going to paint.

This time I tagged along with my camera.

Norm had to shoot a beach scene that included the steps down to the beach which was a bit steep.

While he stood in the foliage I kept thinking things like poison ivy and snakes. I am such a wimp.

After being away from the lake during the winter, I forgot how beautiful Lake Erie can be. Here is a shot I took of the private beach of a home that adjoins the site Norm was shooting. Some of the beach fronts are steeper than others. 

It was a beautiful peaceful day. The driftwood on the beach was a subtle reminder of the earlier storms of the year. 

Finally it was a wrap. The sky disappeared into the water at the horizon. It was time to go. I know I should go down to the lake more often, but my to do list seems to get in the way. We are lucky to have such a beautiful lake near by.

We are still working on touch ups on the Shar Family portrait. I hope to have their story next. The beach painting will be next. After that are weddings! This time two of them in our own family this year!

We will keep you updated.