Friday, October 22, 2010

Finding Inspiration for a Portrait

Sometimes when one selects a photo for Norm to do a portrait all the ingredients aren't there. After all a photo does not capture the magic let alone catches us at our best. 

My friend wanted a portrait of her daughter with her cat.

Well she had the photo of her daughter with the cat. But after looking at the photo, she decided that the portrait would look better if her daughter was not wearing glasses or a bandana.

So she gave Norm a second photo of her daughter to show him what she looked like without her glasses and bandana that she wore in the first photo.

This helped Norman to know the person better when illustrating them for a portrait.

Mission accomplished!

 Norman added her mom's favorite color of green to the background using the plaid shirt as the inspiration for the overall color look. The color of the T shirt was changed to show of the cats upper body that gets lost in the first photo. It also works well with the colors in her plaid shirt, and suggestions of that color are added to the background to pull the color palette of the painting together.

Here is another example of what can be accomplished by the use of more than one photo.

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