Here is their story:
"As missionaries, we leave our home and families to serve full time
in various areas around the world. For two years we do a lot of
growing as we face trials and difficulties unforeseen to us. In each
mission around the world, young men and women like us are under
the direction of a mission president who directs, inspires, and
instructs missionaries under him during their service. Like us he is
called to give of his time and talents, leave his home, and serve
others. Unlike us, he is also a husband, a father, and grandfather,
with a life of responsibilities we do not yet have at 19 or 21.
Our mission president becomes a father figure while away from home.
President Peterson is conducting three years of dedicated, loyal, and
selfless service. He exemplifies all the qualities of love, patience, and
resolve that every great leader must in order to better lift those he
As Elder Flinders and I thought of a gift we could purchase in behalf of
our mission for President Peterson, we knew it had to be unique. It
had to be something that would last, and something that would
remind him of the love, we as missionaries, felt for him. As we brains-
stormed we remembered the unique artwork we had seen by Norman
Drake. It seemed to just click! A painting! Not just any painting,
however. This particular building is a unique symbol to our mission
and church as it is the first temple to be built by the church over 100
years ago. President Peterson loved this place, and we knew such a
symbol, depicted in such a way, would be a perfect gift from us to
him; a leader we have come to admire and love."
The photo that was supplied was taken by President Petersen.
H A P P Y F A T H E R ' S D A Y !
Check out the before and after on our website.